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What is this AMHS Thing? A Presentation at the Nov. 2023 Board Meeting

Automated Material Handling System Project

Published : Dec. 11, 2023
Automated Material Handling System project updates.

Not sure what an AMH/AMHS is or why we're looking into one? The recording of IHLS Delivery & Facilities Director Colleen Dettenmeier's presentation on the automated material handler system (AMHS), presented during the Nov. 28 IHLS Board meeting, and audience Q&A has now been posted.

Presentation addresses:

  • What is an AMH/AMHS?
  • Why is IHLS considering purchasing an AMH system?
    (benefits to IHLS, benefits to libraries)
  • How can we tell if it will be worth it?
    (costs to IHLS, cost to libraries [hint: no direct costs], how IHLS will pay for it, when IHLS would see a return on investment)
  • Where is IHLS in the process?
  • What does IHLS need from members?

Audience Q&A starts at 11:46. Q&A questions include:

  • How did we go from the AMH committee making a recommendation to the board making the decision to proceed?
  • How many days a year are lost by IHLS to worker's comp?
  • How do you get faster delivery by using these machines?
  • What is the percentage of errors that we're seeing now?
  • Does the 7-year ROI include maintenance costs?
  • When will another presentation/update be given to the board?

Questions about this topic can be sent to our Delivery and Facilities Director

Last Updated: May. 2, 2024 - 2:47 pm