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IHLS & IHLS Delivery Emergency / Weather Alerts
IHLS will post route cancellations and hub closings on the IHLS homepage and send an alert to subscribers (see below).

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Library Networking Listservs
Trade ideas with other librarians and paralibrarians by joining one or more of our listserves, email exchanges created especially for IHLS-member libraries. Explore each one and sign up using the links below.
IHLS-Member Listservs
- Academic Libraries
An email exchange for academic libraries to communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas. Joining this listserv is a great way to get to know your fellow academic librarians in central and southern Illinois and to build your professional support network.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- Directors
This listserv is available for library directors, associate directors, district librarians, and other top-level libraries from all library types. It helps library leaders communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas. Joining this listserv is a great way to get to know other library staff leaders in central and southern Illinois and build your professional support network.
IHLS tries to add new directors to this list as we learn about them. If you are a director, associate director, district librarian, district librarian, or another top-level librarian, and you are not currently subscribed to the Directors Listserv and would like to be please contact our staff to be added.
- Exchange
The Exchange list is for material exchanges between libraries, such as book and furniture giveaways. You can also post here if you're looking for something.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- School Libraries
This listserv is available for school libraries to communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas. Joining this listserv is a great way to get to know your fellow school librarians in central and southern Illinois and to build your professional support network.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- Special Libraries
An email exchange for special libraries to communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas. Joining this listserv is a great way to get to know your fellow special librarians in central and southern Illinois and to build your professional support network.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- Youth Services
Youth Services
A place for all library staff involved with youth services to communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas. Joining this listserv is a great way to get to know your fellow youth services librarians in central and southern Illinois and to build your professional support network.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
Additional Listservs for IHLS-SHARE Members
- SHARE (General)
A listserv for library staff whose libraries are members of the SHARE LLSAP. asking questions, get answers, and share ideas about SHARE topics, the Polaris software, and more.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- SHARE Acquisitions Users Group
This listserv is for SHARE libraries that subscribe to the Acquisition module. On this list, you can ask questions, get answers, and share ideas about the acquisitions module. This listserv will also be used to notify acquisition libraries of problems, outages, or updates related to the module. All emails from this list will have [SHARE-Acquisitions] in the subject field.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- SHARE Cataloging
This listserv is available for SHARE catalogers to discuss cataloging with each other. On this list, you are encouraged to post tips, request information, and share ideas.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- SHARE Circulation
This listserv is available for SHARE-member circulation staff to communicate with each other, such as when asking questions and sharing ideas.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)
- SHARE Polaris Mac Users
The Polaris Mac Users list is a list for SHARE libraries that use Mac computers to trade Mac-specific information on connecting to Polaris. All emails from this list will have [Polaris-Mac-Users] in the subject field.
You must be a member of this list in order to post to this list. Be sure to subscribe with the email address that you will use to post emails from. For example, if you have a work email address and a personal email address, make sure you subscribe with the email address that you will use to send messages to the list (or just subscribe with both!)