It can be tough to keep up. These resource guides can help.
It can be tough to keep up with all we need to know about issues that arise in library work, but IHLS is making it a little easier with a series of resource guides on current issues in librarianship. Use the links below or in the menu to explore new and long-standing library topics, as well as to find tool kits and other resources that can help your library provide quality library services. Additional resource guides will be added regularly, as new topics arise.
Digital Accessibility
Added December 2024 | by Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Government agencies have long been required to have some semblense of accessibility to digital communications, established under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 government entities. However, the U.S. Government recently signed a new rule under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that specifies the required WCAG level of digital inclusion. This guide, created by Reaching Across Illinois Library System, the library system to the North, shares resources concerning what schools and libraries need to do to make their website and mobile applications accessible to everyone before the update to the law goes into effect in April of 2026.
Digital Equity
Added June 2024
Digital equity means ensuring everyone can access affordable and reliable internet, digital information, and the digital literacy skills to use them effectively. This guide contains the information from the "Digital Equity Grants" page and the "Broadband for Libraries" page link.
New Notary Laws in Effect for Illinois
Added July 2023
On June 5, 2023, Secretary Giannoulias adopted administrative rules originating in SB 2664, which greatly impacts the way notaries are commissioned and notarizations are conducted. This law affects all libraries that provide notary services.
Paid Leave for All Workers Act (PLAW)
Updated June 2024
In March 2023, Governor Pritzker signed the Paid Leave for All Workers Act into law, making Illinois the third state in the nation, and the first in the Midwest, to mandate paid time off to be used for any reason. This affects
Illinois Public Act 103-0100 on Banning Book Banning in Illinois
Updated July 2024
On June 14, 2023, Gov. Pritzker signed PA 103-0100 (formerly HB 2789) into law. The law requires each Illinois library to establish a policy “declaring the inherent authority” of the library and prohibiting book bans, to be eligible for state grants.
Censorship and Book Challenges in Libraries
Added January 2022
Illinois Heartland Library System supports AISLE in opposing attempts to censor or remove books from school libraries. Read the full statement and find resources on book challenges and intellectual freedom in school and other libraries.
Telling the Library Story
Added 2018
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