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COVID-19 Updates & Resources for Illinois Libraries
Added April 2020
There's so much to know about COVID-19, so IHLS staff have put together a resource guide to make it a little easier.
Census 2020 & Illinois Libraries
Added December 2019
The 2020 Census is just around the corner, and IHLS, Illinois Complete Count Commission, and the Illinois State Library are asking libraries to do their part in making sure as many people are counted as possible—and it's imperative we do so to help ensure Illinois gets the federal funding we need. Here's why it matters and what Illinois libraries can do.
Equity in E-Resources: Embargoes and Restrictions on Library Access to New E-Titles
Added September 2019
In the last several years, publishers of e-books and e-audiobooks have been changing the way they license content and imposing excessive restrictions on access to new titles. This is on top of the existing trend of library-targeted, time-limited licenses and licensing costs that can be up to six times higher than for an individual. Both the American Library Association and the Illinois Library Association list equal access to information as a core value, and ALA includes equal access to information as a core value of librarianship. While some restrictions are an expected reality, the new licensing models impose restrictions that make it far too difficult to ensure access to information for all. Limited access for libraries means limited access for library patrons, including those who count on our services the most. GET THE E-CONTENT TOOLKIT