We're here to help you provide outstanding library services.
Illinois Heartland Library System offers many services for member libraries and their staff. Below you'll find an overview of our service types. Use the links below or in the menu for more information!
Resource sharing allows libraries to provide patrons with a vaster pool of resources than they could offer alone. We support resource sharing in three ways: interlibrary delivery service, e-resource collection support, and the SHARE consortium.
Interlibrary Loan Delivery Service
All Illinoisans deserve fast service, so all of our libraries receive Functional 5-Day Delivery. With our efficient delivery structure and reliable fleet, requested materials typically reach your library within one business day of coming into our team's hands. And, with our added Delivery on the Go service, qualifying items can reach you that very same day.
SHARE Automated Library Consortium
IHLS is proud to support SHARE, the largest automated library consortium in North America! SHARE members can access a robust integrated library system, technical staff, training, the SHARE Mobile Library app, and additional group purchases and e-resources. Altogether, SHARE patrons can access nearly 8.2 million items! Learn more at share.illinoisheartland.org.
E-Resources for Standalone and SHARE Libraries
Libraries that are not part of a local library system automation program (LLSAP) are invited to participate in eRead Illinois—a shared digital collection on Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 platform.
Members of IHLS's SHARE LLSAP are invited to participate in the SHARE CloudLibrary—a shared digital collection on OCLC’s CloudLibrary platform, also accessible from the SHARE Mobile Library app.
News Updates
Keep up with the latest library developments with timely informational updates, including policies, grant opportunities, and changes in library law, with our biweekly newsletter, website, email, and member events. Not already subscribed? Sign up now!
News updates can also be found on our News page.
Continuing Education
We also meet your continuing education needs with in-person and online learning opportunities, including seminars/webinars, workshops, presentations and member events, and an annual one-day conference called Member Day. We offer additional training through SHARE and the Cataloging Maintenance Center.
Additionally, we're developing a collection of articles, resource guides, and videos, all available in the IHLS Learning Hub.
Library Experts. If a member library needs additional support, they can contact our membership team. These knowledgeable team members specialize in navigating library issues by providing resources and advice.
Business Experts. Furthermore, our expanded consulting services allows members to easily book consultations with our experts in marketing communications and human resources, with experts in finance and IT to be added in the future.
Illinois library system members are exclusively eligible for grants from the State of Illinois. See our grants database for these and other grant opportunities—available only to member libraries.
Member Discounts & Group Purchases
Discover discount and group purchases, from furniture to move licensing, on our website—available only to member libraries.
Resources for Libraries
Find new tools and resources to provide your patrons or make your job easier.
Networking & Listservs
Conversations and connections among library peers are vital sources of development. IHLS facilitates regular virtual and in-person opportunities for connection, including weekly text-based chats, quarterly hybrid-form members meetings, and events.
We also have a series of listservs for members to connect with each other at any time of day.
With our partners and our Advocacy Administrator, we help you address the big issues affecting Illinois libraries. Meanwhile, spots on PBS Kids 24/7 and other media share the value of library services and staff with the public.
Cataloging Maintenance Center
The CMC offers free, statewide cataloging support and training for libraries and LLSAPs, including original and copy cataloging of eligible collections, database cleanup, metadata consultation, cataloging training, and transcriptions. Visit cmcillinois.org to learn more.