For Option 1 Libraries
For libraries that have elected IHLS staff to duplicate your barcodes as they pass through an IHLS hub, the barcode duplication at our hubs will begin on or after Sept. 5.
We will only apply a duplicate barcode if you have chosen Option 1 and your item does not already have an external barcode.
For Option 2 Libraries
We've already begun loaning out kits to libraries that elected to borrow barcode duplicators. We sent the first round of Duplicator Kits for Option 2 libraries on Aug. 28 and 29. If you are next in line for duplicators, you can expect your units to arrive around Oct. 1, 2024.
If you are an Option 2 library, please be sure that you have made the reservation for the kit on Polaris. IHLS is providing supplies for free in the same quantity as the number of unique items circulated in delivery.
If you need more supplies to duplicate the rest of your collection, you can order them from BayScan at a group purchase price or from another vendor of your choice. Please be aware that the duplicator will be programmed to print using the smaller-sized barcode we provide.