The CMC Is Here for Your Library!
The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) catalogs local authors, local history, genealogy, and foreign language materials. "Special collections" can include many different things such as Superman items, Abraham Lincoln materials, local government documents, or microfilm. We see many yearbooks, cookbooks, and family histories. Some libraries are afraid of sending items in for cataloging, because they could be damaged. Extra care is taken for these items. CMC catalogers can do on-site cataloging. CMC staff create 200 name-authority records each year. If your library has a digitized collection, but needs help deciding what to do with it, CMC staff can discuss how to make the collection accessible. If you have AACR2 or RDA questions, then just ask the CMC.
From left to right: Ian Anderson, Cheri Schuler-Faust, Pamela Thomas, Erin Rose, Vince Andrzejewski
The CMC also provides several different ways of training:
- In-person
- Online (Moodle)
- Online with the CMC, where they present on a topic for twenty minutes each month (August-January) with a question and answer period afterwards. These sessions are presented live, but recorded, and can be listened to at your convenience..
In FY19 (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019), the CMC cataloged 15 kits, 10 computer files, 1,679 books, 25 atlases, 27 sound recordings, 20 videos, and 54 serials, for a total of 1,830. The CMC staff enhanced 661 bibliographic records and created 1,193 original records, for a total of 1,854 bibliographic records.
Fast Facts FY19 infographic (PDF).
If the CMC can help your library, contact them at 618.656.3216 x503 or visit their webpage.
Funding for the Cataloging Maintenance Center is provided through the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State and administered by Illinois Heartland Library System. The CMC provides statewide cataloging support for Illinois libraries including free original and copy cataloging of eligible special collections, consultation on metadata projects, database cleanup for LLSAPs, cataloging training, and more. Learn more at www.illinoisheartland.org/cmc.