CMC Starts Internship Program, Welcomes 3 Students
The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) welcomed college interns this summer through their new internship program.
Two students from the University of Illinois masters’ program in library and information studies, Katie Peterson and Sarah Schwartz, have been serving as interns for the CMC to receive college credit. Both students have been working remotely due to the pandemic and have used Zoom and Teams for training and discussions. Katie and Sarah have been helping with the PrairieCat cleanup project by looking up items in the Encore database to see if there are duplicate records that can be merged. If there is not a good match, then they look up the item in the OCLC database, update the bibliographic record to RDA guidelines, and export the record. Katie has also been helping with the Joliet Junior College digitized archival project, which involves creating original OCLC records.
Katie Powell, a student at the University of North Carolina, began her fall practicum with the CMC on July 1 and will be helping with PrairieCat cleanup, co-presenting an Online with the CMC webinar in September, and working on other exciting Cataloging Maintenance Center projects.
Meet the Cataloging Maintenance Center Interns
Katie Peterson
I am a Library and Information Sciences student at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois, and I graduate in one year. Before coming to the iSchool, I taught 7th grade math for two years. For my undergrad, I attended Illinois State University and got a degree in Middle Level Education. My favorite classes have been School Library Media Center, Bibliographic Metadata, and Teen Materials. I wanted to do my internship at the CMC because I have a strong interest in cataloging, and it was a great opportunity to strengthen my cataloging skills and gain more insight into the profession. In the future, I would like to work in an academic library. I also volunteer at the Urbana Free Library and help put their donations up for sale on their Amazon and Etsy stores. I love volunteering there because I come across a lot of interesting books. A fun fact about myself is that I play the trumpet and enjoy performing in concert bands.
Sarah Schwartz
I am a master’s student in the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign School of Information Sciences. I plan to graduate in December 2021. I also work full-time as a communications coordinator at the university. I have worked at libraries throughout my life at the University of Northern Iowa, University of Cambridge (Churchill College), and the Urbana Free Library. Some of my favorite graduate classes have included cataloging, reference, and scholarly communication. The CMC was a great fit for my practicum because it gave me the opportunity to use many of the skills I have learned in classes in a real-world application and learn from professionals in the field. The remote aspect helped me fit this opportunity into my busy schedule, which would have been difficult otherwise. I have two sons, ages 14 and 11, and they are always on the move.
Katie Powell
In 2016, I completed my bachelor’s at the University of North Carolina in Asian Studies. I focused mostly on Asian languages. I can speak five languages, although I am more of a jack-of-all trades and master-of-none in that respect. I am a bit nerdy. I enjoy video games, comics, and manga. I have a dog and cat named after the Guardians of the Galaxy. I enjoy cooking and hiking as well. I’m also a twin, my brother is only three minutes older than me, but he’ll never let me forget it.
I am almost done with my MLIS that I am earning from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I’m in my last semester and almost at the finish line. I went into my MLIS with the intention of going into youth services. Through a last-minute decision for a more detailed cataloging class and a few cataloging responsibilities at my previous position as library technician with the Army MWR library, I became more interested in cataloging. I am currently employed with the Cumberland County Library System as a library technician. I wanted to get more practical experience in cataloging and experience with varied formats for materials. With the CMC’s pivotal role in cataloging and instruction for Illinois library systems, I believe the CMC is the ideal place for me to become more well-rounded and informed on cataloging practices and the future of cataloging. I hope to enter either a public library or Department of Defense library as a YS librarian or cataloger.