Delivery Material Hold Times and Route Cancellations
Have you noticed longer than normal hold times on your delivery materials? Are you frustrated by the recent cancellations? We are working on solutions, and you can learn more about this by watching the IHLS Members Matter Special Meeting on Delivery Issues and Solutions.
Where are your Barcodes?
Do you have barcodes on the inside of your materials that circulate through delivery? IHLS is investigating the purchase of an Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS) to help with circulation delays and long patron hold times on materials. The IHLS Board of Directors will make the final decision if we move forward with this purchase in May 2024.
If we purchase an AMHS, SHARE-member materials would need barcodes to be placed on the outside of the materials (on the front or back cover, not on the spine) to be sent through the machine. There will not be a formal policy on exact barcode placement; however, IHLS recommends placing barcodes in the top-left corner of the front cover of all flat items, such as books and DVDs.
It is important to note that SHARE-member fee increases are not related to the purchase of this AMHS in any way. If IHLS decides to move forward with the purchase of the AMHS, that purchase would be funded by IHLS completely and no portion of SHARE funds would be utilized for this project.
Automated Material Handling System Calculators
Part of the Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) research being done seeks to help member libraries determine if you will see savings by eliminating paper transit labels, as well as to help calculate the expenses you might incur if you decide to complete the duplication on your own. We have created these calculators on AMHS webpage to help calculate future savings and/or expenses. There is also a link to share your results if you would like other libraries to see what you have calculated.
Learn more about the potential AMH system