Illinois Heartland Library System Library Members:
Once again, we are excited to bring to IHLS Members the Illinois Heartland Library System Draft Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Budget Narrative using OpenGov. OpenGov is a cloud-based budgeting tool that provides easy access to data and information for both staff members and library members like you. Each chart is interactive in such a way that you can hover over chart components to highlight them, or you can click the chart to explore more data.
Additionally, we present you with our Draft FY2024 Operational Plan, located at the end of the Budget Narrative. The Operational Plan includes our planned goals for Illinois Heartland Library System and our means to achieve them. Stepping forth into our 13th year as an organization, Illinois Heartland Library System continues to seek opportunities to refine our current services and develop innovative techniques to further meet the needs of our members. Areas of focus for FY2024 include additional opportunities for member networking and continuing education; advocacy for member libraries; and our unwavering commitment to the core services of resource sharing, delivery, and library automation.
Before our final submission of the FY2024 Budget, Budget Narrative, and Operational Plan to Illinois Heartland Library System's Board of Directors and the Illinois State Library, we’d like to hear from you. We are very aware that our efforts are always made better and stronger when done in conjunction with member input. Please take a few minutes to look over the Draft FY2024 Operational Plan and the Draft FY2024 Budget and Budget Narrative, and let us know what you think.
Submit Your Comments
Submission deadline: May 10, 2023, by noon
Please log in and submit your comments for both the draft operational plan and budget using the link to the Feedback/Input section at the end of the Budget Narrative.
You can also go straight to the Member Feedback/Input Form.
Want a Printer Friendly Version?
A printer-friendly version of the Budget Narrative is available if you'd prefer to review the Budget Narrative in print format.