Roosevelt University Library, Chicago, has an extensive collection of New Deal materials (hence their name, Roosevelt University), and they recently asked the Cataloging Maintenance Center to catalog their Roosevelt Collection.

The Roosevelts at Campobello and The Roosevelt Cottage is about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s summer cottage in New Brunswick, Canada. For many years, Roosevelt summered on Campobello Island. As an adult, he shared with his family the same active pursuits he enjoyed on the island as a child. Although he visited less frequently after contracting polio, Campobello remained important to Roosevelt. Today, Roosevelt Campobello International Park serves as a memorial to Franklin D. Roosevelt and a symbol of cooperation between the U.S. and Canada.
The Women and the Spirit of the New Deal is about the extensive role women played in the programs and operations of the New Deal. Most of the women were employed through the Works Progress Administration. Ellen Sullivan Woodward, as the director of the Women’s and Professional Projects for the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, gave library projects a high priority. Through the Library Project, librarians were sent into rural communities, by horseback if necessary, to provide library services where none had ever existed before. Woodward also created work programs for unemployed actors, writers, musicians, and artists.
The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) provides cataloging services to libraries within the State of Illinois and is funded in part by a grant that was awarded by the Illinois State Library, a Department of the Office of Secretary of State, using funds provided by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).