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Libraries are serving our communities: a message during PBS WSIU's "Hemingway"

Illinois Heartland Library System

Published : Apr. 8, 2021

Illinois Heartland Library System, Illinois Library Association, and WSIU Public Television: WSIU • WUSI • WSEC • WMEC • WQEC

Illinois public libraries are continuing to serve our communities with e-books, curbside service, online and take-home programs, Wi-Fi, homeschool resources, and more--a message brought to the public television viewers of central and southern Illinois during the April 5-7 airing of Hemingway. This new documentary film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explores the life and work of the legendary writer and his enduring influence on literature and culture and premiered April 5, 2021, with local support from the public libraries of Illinois, Illinois Heartland Library System, and Illinois Library Association. Missed it? Stream it now through April 26, 2021, through WSIU Public Television, and then watch the Illinois Public Libraries spot above, which aired during the WSIU live broadcast.



Support comes from the public libraries of Illinois, continuing to serve communities with e-books, curbside service, online and take-home programs, Wi-Fi, homeschool resources, and more. Information about what YOUR library has to offer can be found by contacting your local library.