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Library Certification Feb. 15-May 15

Illinois Heartland Library System

Published : Feb. 9, 2021

It’s That Time of Year! Library Certification Process Begins Feb. 15

Libraries that are members of a regional library system are required by statute to annually certify that they are compliant with the membership criteria as set forth in the Illinois Administrative Code (23 ILAC 3030.200). In conjunction with this certification, all libraries are also required to complete the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey.

The window for certification will open on Monday, Feb. 15, and will remain open through Saturday, May 15. This year, it will not be done through a dedicated website, but through your library’s account in Library Learning (L2). It is recommended that you complete the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Statistical Survey before you begin the certification process.

Certification Library Contacts

Before certification begins, please log into L2 and make sure there is a certification contact listed for your agency. If not, please create one by following these steps:

  1. Log into your user dashboard on L2.
  2. On the Affiliations page in the "Location" section, click <Edit> to edit the affiliation that you have with your library's primary location.
  3. Find the "Key Contact - Regional System" section and check the <Certification Contact> checkbox.
  4. Scroll down and click <Save>. 

Completing Library Certification

Beginning Feb. 15, the link “Complete Certification for [Name] Library” will appear on the dashboards of those listed as certification contacts for their agencies.

If you’d like to review the process, watch this video tutorial (also shown below), created by our colleagues at Reaching Across Illinois Library System.

Need More Help?

At the system level, Anna Yackle will be the primary contact for public and academic Libraries and can be reached at 618.889.5498 ext. 618 or

Ellen Popit will be the contact for school districts and special libraries and can be reached at 618-889-6598, ext. 624 or

Never hesitate to reach out to either of these staff members with any questions!

[VIDEO] Illinois Library Annual Certification for System Membership

NOTE: Minor changes have been made to the certification form since this video was recorded. One notable difference is that the button label is now different for saving the form for later completion ("Save to Complete Later") and for submitting the form when unable to complete certification ("Submit Incomplete Form"). Instructions for completing annual certification, required by the Illinois Administrative Code for continued membership in a regional library system. Beginning in 2021, certification is done through a form on the Library Directory & Learning Calendar (L2) website,​. Presenter: Brian Smith, Reaching Across Illinois Library System