Recording now available!
You may have noticed longer-than-normal shipping times for your IHLS-delivered items. We know some of you are frustrated, and we are working on solutions. In this special membership meeting, Delivery & Facilities Director Colleen Dettenmeier and Executive Director Leslie Bednar discuss the current state of your IHLS Delivery service, including:
- Factors impacting delivery turnaround, such as the recent boom in intrasystem circulation and staffing issues resulting in route cancellations
- Solutions identified (including discussion regarding Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS) project)
- Delivery outlook
- Action items for libraries
Plus some clarifications on:
- Functional 5-Day Delivery vs On-Demand Delivery
- IHLS Delivery vs. SHARE
- How IHLS is funded
- and more
(Meanwhile, our sorters and office staff are diligently working to sort and deliver items to your library as quickly as possible, and we regret the inconvenience this has caused.) Special Note for IHLS–SHARE members: Please watch your inbox for a special questionnaire from IHLS. We are asking all IHLS–SHARE libraries to complete this short and important form within two weeks of receiving the questionnaire.
Questions about this topic can be sent to our Delivery and Facilities Director.