Dear IHLS Members,
Illinois has gone without a budget for more than four months and the time is nigh to put one in place. A compromise in Springfield will allow state government to provide basic services from education to emergency support to healthcare. It is important to know that library grant funding is dependent upon a state budget. Included in the grant funding umbrella are Per Capita Grants for public and school libraries, library system area and per capita grants that support services such as materials delivery and some public library construction grants. In addition, federal grant funds for Illinois library services are based on state support. A reduction in library grant funding in the state budget equates to additional lost federal dollars.
In IHLS we have member libraries that are dependent upon Per Capita Grant funds in their annual budget and without a grant they may have to close. Other libraries will have to reduce services, programs, or eliminate new purchases. As a community service, libraries fill a unique role that must continue.
With that mission in mind, advocating for continued library support in the (eventual) Illinois FY2016 Budget is imperative. Many tools are in place to make that task easier than ever.
- The Illinois Library Association’s (ILA) advocacy program provides an easy way to encourage your elected officials to resolve the budget stalemate.
- Additional ILA advocacy suggestions are available here.
When planning your next visit with your elected official, bring some compelling data with you. Share your library usage statistics with your elected officials.
- The 2015 Pew Research Center library report, Libraries at the Crossroads, outlines the diverse needs and intents Americans have for libraries in the 21st century. A quick review of the report will provide you with additional statistics to share with your elected officials. Public libraries should: support local education; help local businesses and job seekers; embrace new technologies to share that knowledge with patrons; and provide support to patrons with unique information needs such as veterans and immigrants. Usage trends have changed, however the public library remains a focal point of the community.
I strongly encourage you to promote your library at the local and state level. While you have your legislator’s attention, encourage her/him to reach a budget compromise so your library can continue to provide the fabulous programs and services your community depends on.
Thank you,
Leslie M. Bednar
Executive Director
Illinois Heartland Library System