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Updated Transit Labels Now Available on IHLS and SHARE Websites

Illinois Heartland Library System

Published : Feb. 28, 2025
Decorative delivery news header

Good news! The transit labels on both the IHLS and SHARE websites have been updated with a fillable form for transit to another IHLS member library. Please ensure you use these updated labels when sending items for inter-library loan or SHARE cataloging.

You can find details about which transit label you should use and for which service on our delivery website.

Please note that this is a fillable Adobe PDF form, but some web browsers may not support this feature if the Adobe PDF document is opened in the browser. You will need to download and open the document in Adobe PDF if you want to be able to make this fillable.

Delivery Transit Label

SHARE Transit Label

Please note that transit labels for items being sent to the Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC), Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS), Chicago Public Library (CPL) members, or Illinois Library Delivery Service (ILDS) members have not been changed, and require a different transit label than what we have updated. Be sure to continue using the appropriate labels for those deliveries. It is a common occurrence that items for SHARE cataloging mistakenly are sent to CMC because of the incorrect label.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for your continued cooperation!