Nominations deadline extended to March 12, 2025!
Serving on the Illinois Heartland Library System board can be very rewarding for both the board member and the board member's library. Listen as three current and former board members share why they chose to serve on the IHLS board—and why they think you should.
Nominate Yourself to Join the IHLS 2025 (FY2026) Board of Directors
Are you looking to share your love of libraries and represent the needs of your community? Bring your skills and experience to the Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) Board of Directors and have an impact on the quality of library service in central and southern Illinois.
You're in the right place to find this year's voting information, including voting period, open board seats, an overview of what board members do, and board member responsibilities.
Nominate Yourself for a Position Let us know about a great candidate
What's it like serving on the IHLS Board of Directors?
Serving on the IHLS Board is like being a public library trustee. Never done that before? Check out this video to learn more about what it's like being a trustee
Why Join the Board?
A small investment of time and effort serving as a board member helps to ensure that IHLS and libraries throughout central and southern Illinois are providing the best possible services and resources available to their patrons and their communities.
Let your voice be heard. We welcome new members and new ideas!
How Serving Can Benefit You Personally and Professionally
- Grow in your board knowledge and experience
- Strengthen your professional credibility
- Participate in planning for the library system’s future
- Contribute to setting policies
- Advocate for libraries in the community and throughout IHLS
- Exercise fiduciary responsibility for the use of public and private funds
- Help to develop strategic partnerships with community groups and leaders
- Take advantage of educational opportunities
- Network with other libraries and community members
Nomination Period
Nominations are open Nov. 27, 2024, to Feb. 15, 2025 March 12, 2025 at Noon
The 2025 voting period is tentatively scheduled for March 15 to April 15, 2025.
Board Seats Up for Election
There are five open seats on the IHLS Board of Directors. Seats to be filled are:
- 4 Public Library Trustee Representatives (3-year term; must serve on a public library board of directors)
- 1 Public Library Representative (3-year term; must be a staff member at a public library)
Current Holders of Open Board Seats
Position |
Board Member |
Eligibility for Re-election |
Public Library Trustee Representative |
Karen Bounds | serving for the fifth consecutive year and cannot run again this cycle |
Public Library Trustee Representative | Josh Short | serving for the fifth consecutive year and cannot run again this cycle |
Public Library Trustee Representative | Linda McDonnell | eligible to run for a 3-year term |
Public Library Trustee Representative | Currently Vacant | formerly held by Kevin Latoz, who resigned |
Public Library Staff Representative | Loretta Broomfield | serving for the fifth consecutive year and cannot run again this cycle |
The Nominating Committee shall select and confirm candidates for election to the System Board representing all geographic areas. Nominees must be members of a governing board of a member library, professional staff, or the administration of the type of library to be represented as set out in the IHLS Bylaws, Article VI: Board of Directors.
Selection Process
The Nominating Committee will consider all completed nomination form responses and will select candidates to appear on the ballot in accordance with the IHLS Bylaws, Article VI: Board of Directors. Please understand that due to the geographic balance requirement and limit of four candidates per seat, it is possible that not all interested candidates will appear on the ballot. The election will be held by electronic ballot.
Board Member Expectations
Effective board members bring to IHLS knowledge of the community and a willingness to continually maintain and strengthen library services in Illinois. Here's more about what would be expected of you as a board member:
Orientation & Training
Board members, both newly seated and veteran, are required to attend orientation and training. This is an all-day event that usually takes place in July.
Illinois State Library Requirements
Board members are required to complete the Open Meetings Act training and provide a copy of earned certificate to the executive assistant. Completion of training must be done within 90 days of being seated or re-elected. Members are also required to complete and submit a Statement of Economic Interest. Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) is required to provide this information to the Illinois State Library and auditors annually.
Board members are expected to fulfill the duties imposed on them by the nature of their office. It is expected that Board members attend meetings at a public location for regularly scheduled meetings of the full board. Board members must notify the System Executive Director if they are unable to attend a board meeting. When a Board member is absent from a meeting, the following actions will be taken. The President shall notify in writing any member missing his or her second meeng. Upon a member's third absence the topic will be included on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. The System Board, by a majority vote may, with a quorum present, declare a Board position vacant if a Director fails to attend three (3) meetings during the fiscal year.
Board members are assigned an IHLS email address to be used for all board-related business. This includes communication with IHLS staff regarding board and committee schedules as well as correspondence from member library staff. We highly recommend you check your IHLS email frequently to avoid missing important announcements, information or meeting cancellations, and time changes. Instructions will be provided for the option of forwarding IHLS emails to your phone or other devices if you choose. IT staff is available for technical questions or issues regarding IHLS email.
Staff Communication
Board members are kindly requested to reply to communications from IHLS staff as soon as they are able. IHLS staff communicate with board members primarily via email. Timely communication allows IHLS staff to best support the goals and work of the board. Our staff goal is to provide board and committee meeting materials as far in advance as possible, beginning with various committee meetings held early each month. Completion of many board support responsibilities is contingent upon communication with board members.
You may be contacted by different staff members for various reasons. Each board committee is assigned an IHLS Department Director, and they will send meeting documents and attend the meeting to serve in an advisory role and to take minutes. The executive assistant supports both the executive director and board members by scheduling meetings and events, creating calendars and documents, polling members and ensuring legal compliance for the Open Meetings Act certification and Statement of Economic Interest filing, among other responsibilities.
Board Member Commitment to Serve
Recognizing the important responsibility I am undertaking in serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the Illinois Heartland Library System, I hereby personally pledge to carry out in a trustworthy and diligent manner all the duties and obligations inherent in my role as a member of the board.
My Role:
I acknowledge that my role as a board member is to (1) contribute by defining the Library System’s mission and governing the fulfillment of that mission, and (2) carry out the functions of the office of board member as specified in the Library System’s bylaws and policies.
My role as a board member will focus on the development of board policies that govern implementation of the institutional plans and purposes. This role is separate and distinct from the role of executive director, to whom is delegated the responsibility of determining the means of implementation of board policies.
My Commitment:
I will exercise the duties and responsibilities of this office with integrity, fairness, and due care.
My Pledge:
- To establish as a high priority my attendance at all meetings of the board, committees, and task forces on which I serve
- To come prepared to contribute to the discussion of issues and business to be addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the agenda, and all background material.
- To represent the Library System in a positive and supportive manner at all times and in all places.
- To support in a positive manner all actions taken by the board of directors even when I am in the minority position on such actions.
- To refrain from intruding in administrative issues that are the responsibility of the management, except to monitor the results and prohibit methods not in agreement with board policy.
- To recognize conflicts of interest between my position as a board member and my personal and professional life. If such a conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict before the board, and refrain from voting on matters in which I have a conflict.
- To observe the parliamentary procedures outlined in Roberts Rules of Order and display courteous conduct in all board, committee, and task force meetings.
- To make every effort to learn the job of being a board member and seek methods to help me function better as a part of the board team.
- To participate in (a) the annual strategic planning (b) board self-evaluation programs and (c) board development workshops, seminars, and other educational events that enhance my skills as a board member.
- If for any reason, I find myself unable to carry out the above duties and responsibilities, I agree to resign my position on the Board of Directors.
The Nomination Period is Nov. 27, 2024, to Feb. 15 Noon on March 12, 2025.
You'll need a short professional bio (150 words or less) and a photograph to complete the nomination form.
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