Items can be delivered to your interlibrary loan patrons even faster with the IHLS Delivery On the Go service!
If you notice that an item you pull is for a library after you on your library’s IHLS Delivery route, you can help the receiving library’s patron get it faster by using the Delivery On the Go service—and others can do the same for you! The IHLS Delivery On the Go service enables qualifying items* to be delivered to the receiving library that very same day. Same route, same day.
* Service is available to lending libraries when the requesting library is down-route from the item’s owning library and delivery is scheduled to arrive at the requesting library later that same day.
To send an item via the IHLS Delivery on the Go service:
- Grab an orange Delivery On the Go bag.
- Use a permanent marker and the lines on the back of the bag to designate which library the materials should go to. (Use the bag like you would an interoffice mail envelope.)
- Put the bag on top of your outgoing tub(s).
That’s it! When our delivery driver arrives, they will pick up the bag and deliver it to the receiving library that very same day—the fastest service possible, no sorting at the IHLS hub required.
Delivery On the Go bags should be used for Delivery On the Go service only.
What Libraries are on Your Delivery Route?
If you are wondering what libraries follow you on your route, you can find these on the IHLS website. Navigate to and click Delivery, then click Routes, then select your hub location (Champaign, Carbondale, or Edwardsville). All the route information is included, including your library’s IHLS route number.
Have Too Many Bags? Need More?
If you find your library does not need as many bags as you have on hand, you can send some of them back to IHLS by putting them in an outgoing IHLS Delivery tub.
If you find you need more Delivery On the Go service bags, request additional bags via the Delivery Help Desk.