Do you love solving a good mystery or traveling around the world with an adventurous story? Marshall Public Library offers both options through kits produced by companies like Finders Seekers, The Deadbolt Mystery Society, and The Mystery Experiences Company. Recently, the library sent their kits to the Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) to be cataloged.
With kits created by Finders Seekers, you’ll find an experience like Finder Seekers: Athens. In this mystery game, you, as a member of The Society of Seekers, are asked to help local authorities expose and capture the leader of a sophisticated forgery ring selling fake artifacts to unsuspecting museums around the world. As seen in the picture below, in this kit, you are given items such as a compass, puzzles, and maps to help solve this mystery.
The kits created by the Deadbolt Mystery Society take you right into a story, much like your favorite mystery novel. For instance, in the case of The Darkroom Devil, you are tasked to help local authorities solve the mystery of The Darkroom Devil, who takes pictures of his victims and then leaves photos to be developed at various locations around the city. To solve this case, as shown in the picture below, you are given items such as a map, photographs, and various clues.
To catalog these mysterious kits, along with some from The Mysteries Experiences Company (example pictured here), the CMC utilized OCLC Connexion, OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards, and OLAC’s Best Practices for Cataloging DVD-Video and Blu-ray Discs, Objects, Streaming Media, and Video Games Using the Original RDA Toolkit and MARC 21 guidelines.
Do you have kits or games like this that you need to have cataloged? Contact the Cataloging Maintenance Center about this free service and see if your items qualify.
The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) provides statewide cataloging support for Illinois libraries, including free original and copy cataloging of eligible special collections, consultation on metadata projects, database cleanup for LLSAPs, cataloging training, and more. Funding for the CMC is provided through the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State and administered by Illinois Heartland Library System. Learn more about the CMC at www.illinoisheartland.org/cmc.