The temperance movement of the 18th and early 19th centuries was a social movement dedicated to emphasizing the negative impacts of alcohol on health, morality, and family life and restricting its consumption. One of the first American organizations formed in support of temperance was the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), founded in 1874. After the development of the First Plan of Work of the National Christian Temperance Union Convention in Nov. 1874, the WCTU set out to ease the temptation of drinking alcohol by making sure that cities and towns had drinking water available. To accomplish this, the women erected drinking fountains across 25 states and four countries. If bubbling water was available at the curb, they reasoned, villagers and farmers, coming to town would have no excuse to go through the swinging doors of the saloon.
While some of the fountains were quite simple, others incorporated beautiful statues and designs. Photography and history buffs can see these fountains in WCTU Drinking Fountains, compiled by Sarah F. Ward, ©2007, and recently cataloged by the Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) for the Dixon Public Library. Four of these fountains live right here in Illinois, including the original Temperance Girl fountain and statue, "The Little Cold Water Girl." "Little Cold Water Girl" was displayed in the WCTU booth during the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 and today lives in Chicago's Lincoln Park. The other three fountains can be found in Decatur, Dixon, and Sullivan, Illinois.
The Cataloging Maintenance Center, which was contacted by the Dixon Public Library to help catalog this unique item, works to improve the quality and integrity of Illinois' bibliographic records. Funded by the Illinois State Library and operated by Illinois Heartland Library System, the CMC helps libraries and LLSAPs throughout all three Illinois library systems catalog special projects and upgrade bibliographic records, often at no charge. The CMC also provides training to catalogers, metadata consultation, database cleanup, and other services. To see if your library's or LLSAP's project qualifies for free help by the CMC and to learn more about what the CMC can offer, visit the Cataloging Maintenance Center webpage or call (618) 656-3216 ext. 503.
WCTU Drinking Fountains, compiled by Sarah F. Ward, ©2007
Temperance Movement, Encyclopedia Britannica
CMC Catalogs Programs in Illinois Collection:
In the 19th and 20th century, many different women’s clubs and societies were prevalent in the state of Illinois. One such club was the Literary Congress of Clubs.
Within the Literary Congress of Clubs, they had several subsidiary clubs and each club was assigned a color. For instance, the Amateur Musical Club’s colors were white and gold, the Ariel Club was purple, the Clio Club was rose pink, etc. Each year they would have a luncheon for the clubs along with a program featuring speakers from the various clubs.
The Woman’s Club had a program titled “Automobile Tour of the World”, taking a “tour” around the world to Nuremberg, Paris, Venice, Tokyo, and Miller Park. A round-trip ticket cost $.50 for adults and $.25 for children. No passports were necessary.
The Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church in Bloomington, Illinois celebrated their centennial anniversary in 1965 with a banquet, prayers, liturgy, and music.
The Cataloging Maintenance Center is helping Illinois libraries catalog special collections to make them available to the public. If you have a special collection that needs to be cataloged, the CMC may be able to help. Contact them at 618.656.3216 x503 or visit the CMC webpage.
Funding for the Cataloging Maintenance Center is provided through the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State and administered by Illinois Heartland Library System. The CMC provides statewide cataloging support for Illinois libraries, including free original and copy cataloging of eligible special collections, consultation on metadata projects, database cleanup for LLSAPs, cataloging training, and more. Learn more at www.illinoisheartland.org/cmc.