The 2023 Unique Items Through Delivery dashboard, found below, was created for IHLS-SHARE members to identify the number of their library's unique items sent through IHLS Delivery in 2023. This reporting dashboard was made using data from the Polaris database and includes the number of items circulated outside of home libraries library from Jan. 1, 2023, to Dec. 31, 2023.
How to Use This Dashboard
To view your library's data, select your library name from the "Agency Name" dropdown menu. (You may need to "Unselect All" and then select your library agency's name.) If needed, click outside of the dashboard to close the dropdown menu.
- Report Box 1: Number of Unique Items That Went Through Delivery in 2023
- Data Reported: The total number of your library's unique, IHLS-circulated items during the reporting year.
About Unique Items: If a popular title circulated outside of a library on five separate occasions, it was only accounted for once. - How the Data Can Be Used: SHARE members with barcodes located inside their lending materials can use the number of unique items circulated through IHLS Delivery in 2023 to help identify the scope of AMHS barcode duplication needed by their library.
- Data Reported: The total number of your library's unique, IHLS-circulated items during the reporting year.
- Report Box 2: Number of Barcode Rolls and Resin Rolls...
- Data Reported: These numbers illustrate the amount of barcode duplication supplies IHLS will provide libraries for free if the library chooses to complete the barcode duplication at the library instead of allowing IHLS to duplicate barcodes on its behalf at the IHLS hubs. These numbers are based on the number of unique IHLS-circulated items reported in box 1.
- How the Data Can Be Used: Libraries can use this information to help decide whether or not to undertake self-barcode duplication. It can also be used budget planning purposes if a library would like to self-duplicate barcodes for the remainder of the library's collection.
- Report Box 3: Creation Date Counts for 2023
- Data Reported: The number of the unique items, reported above, that were added to the SHARE Polaris database in each given year.
- How the Data Can Be Used: This information was easily available when the dashboard was created and thus provided solely for member interest.