Project Updates
Correction & Important Update on Project Timeline & Transit Labels
Exciting Opportunity to Help Name Our New AMHS Machines
Why IHLS Is Getting an Automated Material Handling Machine
—and how it could help member libraries, too
Since a large majority of IHLS members use a single, connected integrated library system (Polaris, through the SHARE consortium), it makes sense for IHLS to couple the power of SHARE with the power of an automated material handling system. In fact... over 97% of items sorted by IHLS Delivery come from IHLS-SHARE members!
Using such a system to sort SHARE consortium members' materials could create significant long-term savings to the IHLS budget while improving efficiency overall.
More specifically, IHLS is acquiring an Automated Material Handling System as a potential solution to some delivery, staffing, and funding problems we've encountered. These include:
High turnover rate among sorters • High sorting backlogs after long weekends • Sorting errors resulting in extended delivery times • High rates of worker injury and Workers' Compensation claims • Large increase in volume going through Delivery
Upcoming Events
IHLS Members Matter Special Meeting
Automated Material Handling System Live Q&A
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 | 10 –11 a.m.
Join IHLS members and IHLS staff for a LIVE Q&A about the approved Automated Material Handling System and AV materials.
Library Action Items
Here's what you should do right now:
- Make a plan for outside barcodes (or RFID).
- Utilizing an automation system will require some SHARE members to add duplicate barcodes to the outside of portions of their collections (the books and audiovisual items that circulate through IHLS Delivery).
- If your library’s items have barcodes on the inside, you do not need to remove them; duplicated barcodes added to the outside will suffice. Otherwise, SHARE member libraries should start placing barcodes externally on all new materials. IHLS recommends placement in the upper left of the front cover, but anywhere on the outside will suffice for sorting materials through the machine.
- IHLS has created multiple options for reducing or eliminating the labor and material costs of barcode duplication, and the AMHS Inter-governmental agreements have been emailed to each SHARE library agency (see below).
- Transit labels will not be turned off until December 31, 2025. See the Full Project Timeline
- **UPDATED 8/1/2024** Sign and Return a barcoding intergovernmental agreement.
- IHLS has created multiple options for reducing or eliminating the labor and material costs of barcode duplication, and inter-governmental agreements (IGA) regarding libraries' decisions on these choices were sent to academic, public, and special SHARE-member libraries via DocuSign on July 31, 2024. We anticipate sending the school agreements the week of Aug. 19.
- Make sure you are signed up for future communications and delivery alerts:
- Mark any staff who are involved in the delivery process as a System Delivery Contact in the Library Directory and Learning Calendar (L2) system.
- Make sure all stakeholders are signed up for the IHLS Member Connection newsletter.
- Read the full update from the May 29, 2024, Board Meeting Special Recap email. Or, see the full Project Timeline.
Project Timeline
- Open Project Timeline
May 29, 2024 SHARE member libraries start placing barcodes externally on all new materials June 2024 IHLS staff develops proposed revisions to delivery guidelines for presentation to IHLS committees and Board June/July 2024 IHLS emails inter-governmental agreements for IHLS Barcode Duplication or Borrowing Barcode Kits to public, special, and academic libraries via DocuSign July 2024 IHLS purchases Barcode Duplicator Kits August 2024 IHLS emails inter-governmental agreements for IHLS Barcode Duplication or Borrowing Barcode Kits emailed to school libraries via DocuSign Summer 2024 (After July 1) IHLS adds group purchase/member discount details to IHLS website for libraries who wish to purchase additional barcodes, resin ribbon, or duplicator kits Summer 2024 (After July 1) IHLS recruits and trains contractual staff on the barcode duplication process Summer 2024 (After July 1) IHLS begins barcode duplication process at IHLS hubs for member libraries that have completed inter-governmental agreements Summer 2024 (After July 1) IHLS begins checkout of barcode duplicator kits in Polaris to member libraries that have completed inter-governmental agreements 2025
**UPDATED 2/20/2025**
April 2025 The majority of barcodes for transit should be moved externally by this time April 2025 Installation of the first machine (Edwardsville hub) May 2025 Installation of the second machine (Champaign hub) June 2025 Installation of the third machine (Carbondale hub) December 31, 2025 IHLS stops requiring transit labels
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that the AMHS purchase has been approved, we are commencing with the next steps on the timeline. Below you'll find answers to some anticipated frequently asked questions about the AMHS and its associated projects.
- My library is not in SHARE—we’re a standalone library (or part of a small IGA). What does the AMHS mean for me?
Generally speaking, nothing. Nothing regarding the AMHS should impact your library other than delivery turnaround eventually speeding up a little. Standalone members will not need to move their barcodes externally.
- I have a barcode duplication question.
Please check out our Barcode Duplication info page and FAQs.
- How will we know which items are eligible for Delivery On the Go?
Even without transit slips, you can still see this information on the screen. For example, when an item is being transferred to another library, a window appears on the screen asking, “Do you want to put it In-Transit to X Library?” Then, you can determine if that is an item eligible for Delivery On the Go and fill out the orange bag.
- How will we know whether an item is a patron hold or one that goes back on the shelf?
If an item is a patron hold, then you will still have the option to print the patron hold slip.
- Will I still need receipt paper?
Transit slips will no longer need to be printed. However,the use of patron receipts is not affected by the AMHS; if and how libraries print patron receipts remains up to the library.
- How will IHLS sort for branches? Will there be a volume cut-off?
IHLS will treat all libraries equally, regardless of their circulation volume. After the vendor site visit in July, we decided that the most effective solution would be for IHLS staff to apply transit slips at the hubs for branch libraries only. This will enable all materials for branch libraries to be labeled by branch and will save member libraries on transit paper.
- Have the recent route cancellations been intentional to be used as a reason for purchasing the AMHS?
No. IHLS delivery route cancellations have been due to staffing issues and have not been impacted by the implementation of, or decision to purchase, the AMHS.
- If I do not move my barcodes, will my library’s ability to use IHLS Delivery change?
At this time, the placement of your barcodes will not affect your library’s ability to share ILL materials through IHLS Delivery. You can still fulfill requests and allow your patrons to place requests, regardless of where the barcodes are located. Our goal is to have external barcodes on most materials by next fall, with the installation of the third machine. However, we will need to reassess this situation after full implementation to determine what additional steps need to be taken, if any.
AMHS Project Teams
Many of our staff are involved with the Automated Material Handling System project, from our delivery and facilities director and sorters to our finance and SHARE staff. Additionally, we've formed an AMH Working Group to help us research member needs, analyze costs and benefits, and more. It's important to us that we identify and address our members' concerns.
Internal Team:
As of 3/22/2024 — Leslie Bednar (Executive), Jennifer Baugh (SHARE), Troy Brown (IT), Colleen Dettenmeier (Delivery and Facilities), Aaron Dell (Delivery and Facilities), Laura Flessner (Delivery and Facilities), Shandi Greve Penrod (Communications), Carol Hogan-Downey (Communications), Rhonda Johnisee (Finance), Lia McInerney (Delivery and Facilities), Casey Parr (Delivery and Facilities), Ellen Popit (Membership/Executive), Dena Porter (SHARE), Sarah Taylor (Membership), Angela Thompson (Delivery and Facilities), Cassandra Thompson (SHARE), Brant Wingerter (IT).
Working Group:
As of 3/22/2024 — Staff: Leslie Bednar (Executive), Jennifer Baugh (SHARE), Troy Brown (IT), Colleen Dettenmeier (Delivery and Facilities), Aaron Dell (Delivery and Facilities), Laura Flessner (Delivery and Facilities), Shandi Greve Penrod (Communications), Rhonda Johnisee (Finance), Lia McInerney (Delivery and Facilities), Casey Parr (Delivery and Facilities), Ellen Popit (Membership/Executive) Dena Porter (SHARE), Sarah Taylor (Membership), Angela Thompson (Delivery and Facilities), Cassandra Thompson (SHARE).
Libraries: Mary Cordes (Hayner Public Library District), Esther Curry (CE Brehm Memorial Public Library), Kim Dykstra (Riverton CUSD 14), Lorachelle Eck (Rochester Public Library District), Arlanna Fries (Royalton Public Library District), Kristina Hoerner (Champaign Public Library), Laura Picato (O’Fallon Public Library), Ryan Reitmeier (Taylorville Public Library), Leander Spearman (Belleville Public Library), Sandra West (Rend Lake College). Ex-Officio: Patricia Burg (Illinois State Library).
Project Contact:
Colleen Dettenmeier, IHLS Facilities and Delivery Director (email)
Contact us at any time!