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School Librarians are Serving Our Communities: A Message on PBS Kids

Illinois Heartland Library System

Published : Jan. 25, 2023
Now playing on PBS WSIU Kids 24/7 Digital Channel

Illinois school librarians can make huge impacts on student performance, and we want everyone to know it! That's why we're partnering with WSIU Public Television to run sponsorship spots celebrating school librarians! Homeschool families, low-income families, and lots of other children and their parents will regularly see it on the PBS Kids 24/7 digital channel, aired by WSIU, WUSI, WSEC, WMEC, WQEC — that's most of central and southern Illinois! Check out the video here. Please note: the video was updated by PBS, and the final video will be shared here when it becomes available to IHLS.

Illinois Heartland Library System, Illinois Library Association, and WSIU Public Television: WSIU • WUSI • WSEC • WMEC • WQEC



Support comes from Illinois Heartland Library System and the school libraries of Illinois, supporting school curricula; improving student reading, writing, and research skills; teaching digital literacy; and closing achievement gaps.