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CMC Catalogs Music Collection

Illinois Heartland Library System

Published : Jul. 29, 2021
cmc catalogs

The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) staff at the Champaign office was asked to catalog CDs from Roosevelt University in Chicago that are part of a special collection.

The first delivery contained 259 total items divided in 3 boxes. Some of the genres of the CDs include operas, Gregorian chants, symphonies, and suites.

The Cataloging Maintenance Center is helping Illinois libraries catalog special collections to make them available to the public. If you have a special collection that needs to be cataloged, the CMC may be able to help. Contact them at 618.656.3216 x503 or visit the CMC webpage.

Funding for the Cataloging Maintenance Center is provided through the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State and administered by Illinois Heartland Library System. The CMC provides statewide cataloging support for Illinois libraries, including free original and copy cataloging of eligible special collections, consultation on metadata projects, database cleanup for LLSAPs, cataloging training, and more. Learn more at