Let’s Visit Wyoming for Local History!
Wyoming, Illinois, that is. That will require a stop at the Wyoming Public Library.
The Wyoming Public Library dates back to 1903, becoming a Carnegie library in April of 1915 after several Wyoming women’s associations organized a Library Association and reached out to Mr. Carnegie for funding. For well over a century, the library has served as the community’s source for learning as well as a repository of the town, and county’s, rich history. Over the years, it has been necessary for the library to keep pace with the changing needs of the community. These days not only can patrons check out books, but now have a vast collection of resources such as e-b00ks, audiobooks, visual materials and databases to access for their knowledge and leisure needs. Local history is kept alive with help from the Stark County Historical Society whose mission is to “…preserve items related to the history of Illinois in general and Stark County in particular…” The library’s website has also made available issues of the Wyoming Post-Herald from 1872-1977.
The library has gone through renovations through its lifetime to help modernize the building while maintaining its historical character. One thing that hasn’t changed is the library’s passion for gathering local history to further foster the sense of community. The collection includes family histories, genealogy, photographs, newspapers and more. Perhaps this author’s favorite piece is the display of stuffed birds by local ornithologist R. M. Barnes. The rainbow lorikeet from Australia is particularly striking. To see all of the birds, as well as other great Wyoming and Stark County local history artifacts, head on over to the Wyoming Public Library.
Because all these items are local history, they are available for free cataloging from the Cataloging Maintenance Center. Just like local authors, genealogy, and special collections items. Would you like your library added to the Magical Mystery Local History Library Tour to have us assess what we can catalog for you (for free!)? Send us an email at cmc@illinoisheartland.org.
The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) provides statewide cataloging support for Illinois libraries, including free original and copy cataloging of eligible special collections, consultation on metadata projects, database cleanup for LLSAPs, cataloging training, and more. Funding for the CMC is provided through the Illinois State Library and the Secretary of State and administered by Illinois Heartland Library System. Learn more about the CMC at www.illinoisheartland.org/cmc.